Senin, 21 Oktober 2013

Love At First Sight - Cognitive Processes

Love At First Sight - Cognitive Processes
Have you ever experienced love at first sight when love and believe it can grow upon first glance? I personally strongly believe to be the case, because having experienced it a few times. possible
new rate simply like eye gaze first time with my friend does, but I'm sure when the first sight of our eyes meet, there is a vibration in the heart that feels different than just feel like a regular. And I believe that the love

at first glance at each other's eyes and you see someone who is very attracted you, then it will trigger a chemical process in the brain. This is justified by the researchers, who believes when you looked at him, then it affects the main cognitive functions such as mood, metaphor and image of the body. where it has been found that love at first sight an impact as well on the 12 parts of the brain to form a chemical substance that gives a sense of comfort such as dopamine, oxytocin, adrenaline, and vasopatrin. so if you met him you would have the name in love,,, hehehehe.
Love or just plain love? Love is different from love at first sight you could just instantly liked by someone, but not necessarily it means you love with people you love because love takes the process to obtain them.
For instance , activation in some parts of the brain may cause stimulation to the heart and a sense of restless uncertainty. Well like symptoms we sometimes feel as a manifestation of the heart , can also come from the brain

Maybe there are some people who do not believe in such things , but it is quite understandable , because not all people have fallen in love at first sight . There are some people argue that love is a process . Process of mutual interest in each other , the introduction of the private individual . It takes time to be able to explore one's feelings .

requires a process of love , or love grows out of habit so it is unlikely we could fall in love with a new person we know or even people that we consider for the first time . Because human relationships has several levels , ranging from a completely foreign relations until the nature of intimate relationships . And the relationship between the level of the first to the last lie that process takes a long time .

But there is also an interest that arise by love , that is when you feel very calm and comfortable when being together with someone . In addition to more frequent or you two meet together , we can be sure of your relationship with him and it also increases the quality is getting better . Feeling comfortable is what will lead to a greater sense of just like usual . We can be sure it is started to grow the seeds of love in your heart .

But all depends on your opinion , because each person experiences love differently. Some experience a long process prior to conclude whether there is love in his heart , or the first time you met and looked at her eyes and there she found love . Love , only our hearts can answer . However, the presence of love can be scientifically proven that love was not only comes from the heart , but the brain was working on instinct and instinct . So , how do you find love in your partner ? At first sight or whether such principles Javanese people , that Weiting Tresno cornerstone jalaran be accustomed or love will grow due to frequent together .

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